twitvote logo

Enter the question and the answers that people will vote for:


Question code:

Question code is a single word that uniquely identifies this question e.g. CloudComp. People will use this code to vote so try to keep it less than 10 characters. Codes are not case sensitive.

Answers that people can vote for:
1 =
2 =
3 =
4 =
5 =
6 =
7 =
8 =
9 =
10 =

If you are unsure how twitvote works, click the 'Show day of week example' button above to see an example question. Then click 'Save Question and Start Voting' to see the results for that question.

To allow for codes to be re-used, question codes are valid for 1 day (i.e. today)

NEW FEATURE - OCT 2013 - Add an image to your questions

Registered users can now add an image to their questions. A file upload box will appear after Answer 10 on this screen if you are logged in.

Creating images is easy and can be done in PowerPoint - see our instructions in the following powerpoint template - instructions.pptx